K's Story: A Lesson On Gratitude And Inner Peace and Happiness

In this special guest postal service, our volunteer Joana shares her experience of being touched by K'due south harrowing story. Hearing about all the suffering he had been through made her feel grateful for everything in her life, and showed that inner peace and happiness can be as close as realising how fortunate we are. You tin can likewise follow her journey at her blog, Scars Forth The Way.

Krish, New LifeI've been volunteering at a recovery centre for people struggling with all sorts of addictions and pain. Tonight we had a 12 Steps Coming together and 1 of the residents shared his life story with the remainder of the group. I was there for support, because he is one of the persons I connected with when I showtime arrived, nosotros talk a lot and he ever has a big smile and hug to offer. Zippo in the person I know he is now prepared me for the story that I heard tonight.

At a very early age he lost his father, his brother was arrested, he got sucked into a gang, his best friend was killed in forepart of him, he was in a war, saw people being tortured and executed and got hooked on heroin..all of that before he was twenty years old. After 2 years of using heroin every single day he finally got cleaned, is recovering actually well and he is one of the most positive persons I know. His optics take the sparkling of a kid's eyes and his grin lights up every room he is in.

His life story and struggle to plow it around fabricated me feel ashamed of giving so much attention to such pocket-sized problems that I have. If he came from that and was able to turn his life around, anyone can do information technology. It made me think, again, on how like shooting fish in a barrel it is to blow problems out of proportions, to experience pitiful for ourselves, without fifty-fifty realizing how much suffering and struggle it exist around united states of america, sometimes right outside our doorstep. It is really piece of cake to go entangled in our own life and not pay attention to the suffering that goes on in the earth.

I am really a very lucky person, that has the greatest family and friends 1 could enquire for. And then, I would really like to ask you to save a minute today to think about how your problems might not exist that big and be thankful for all the good things that you accept. I am sure they are more than than you realize. Don't create misery where it does no exist and try to exist aware of someone around you lot that may be hurting and in need of someone to talk to.

Cheers Thousand. for the share, for being the person you are and be certain that yous already are an inspiration to a lot of people.


Source: https://www.newlifefoundation.com/th/inner-peace-and-happiness-k-story/

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